5th year students
⇒whetting your appetite:
- getting to know Plymouth: https://virtual.plymouth.ac.uk/#s=pano526
- you can find our Easter calendar here
some games: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/games
⇒Help, I need somebody, not just anybody, help!:
6th year students
⇒whetting your appetite:
- getting to know Plymouth: https://virtual.plymouth.ac.uk/#s=pano526
⇒Help, I need somebody, not just anybody, help!:
7th year students
⇒whetting your appetite:
- walking through the British Museum in London: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.519158,-0.1275363,2a,75y,174.87h,100.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1VaXjbDOjNCp09wI7ErFEg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
- a web quiz: https://unterrichten.zum.de/wiki/WebQuest_Ireland/Limericks
- https://www.virtualvisittours.com/cliffs-of-moher/
- https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Natural-History/Visitor-Information/3D-Virtual-Visit
- games: https://quiz-questions.uk/kids-geography-quiz/
⇒Help, I need somebody, not just anybody, help!:
- https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/exercises_list/alle_grammar.htm
- https://www.ego4u.de/
⇒Been there, done that 😉
8th year students
⇒whetting your appetite:
⇒Help, I need somebody, not just anybody, help!:
9th year students
⇒whetting your appetite:
- a web quiz: https://unterrichten.zum.de/wiki/Australia
⇒I read the news today, oh boy!:
- Google “Breaking news English“
⇒Help, I need somebody, not just anybody, help!:
10th year students
⇒I read the news today, oh boy!:
- Google “Breaking news English“
⇒Help, I need somebody, not just anybody, help!:
11th and 12th year students
⇒I read the news today, oh boy!:
- Google “Breaking news English“
- https://www.spiegel.de/international/
- https://www.bpb.de/mediathek/reihen/histovoices/